Wendy LaCapra Random Moments to Breathe Deeply

Moments to Breathe Deeply

This past week has been both hectic and amazing. I had three surprise over-night visitors, I’m prepping for dinner for 17 (including getting a major renovation project done), and I’ve made a major leap forward in my writing career.

I’m both deeply contented, excited and frazzled all at once!

On the way to the hardware store tonight, Richard remarked on the beautiful full moon. Since we were only about a mile from the Maine Ocean, I turned down the beach road on a whim. I almost didn’t get out of the car. After all, I reminded myself–there are only so many hours left until Thanksgiving!

I’d already made the turn, however and once we stepped out onto the beach there was a panorama of loveliness that melted away every worry. I have always loved the Keats line “Truth is beauty and beauty, truth” and in those few stolen moments on a freezing cold beach, I felt that line rather than understood it.

Ah. Moments to Breathe Deeply…

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